

(ˌriːməˈtɪərɪəˌlaɪz) or


vb (intr)
to materialize or appear in physical form again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The article explored how digital traces contribute to "rematerialize" the meanings produced by social actors, rendering partially visible the meaning-making mechanics inscribed in social media.
Like a sci-fi character teleported from a tranquil island to a maelstrom of destruction, I was being plucked from Raquel's apartment and would rematerialize in a battle zone.
The Carter Court's nod to due process has yet to rematerialize in private delegation doctrine.
Dispute over pollution permits likely to rematerialize at Legislature, Austin American-Statesman
Rather, it is constantly shedding its prior self, only to rematerialize ad infinitum.
In revisiting King's life in the 1990s, Johnson works to rematerialize King's antiracism and contest his co-optation as a champion of deracialization or "colorblindness." In positioning Dreamer as a presentist consideration of the civil rights movement and of Martin Luther King Jr., I first consider the state's response to the LA Riots as it relates to the civil rights movement.
our core vacuum, actually includes couples of virtual particles and antiparticles that annihilate and then rematerialize: whatever their specific nature might be, a simple reasoning shows that the main effect of sharing these virtual couples between bulk states and boundary states is that of transferring to the aforesaid boundary layer the properties of the bulk universe.
As other scholars have noted, recipients of gamete donation are encouraged to "rematerialize" donors through the information provided about their appearance, lifestyle, and medical history (Mamo 203).
I like to take the same geometry and the same configurations and rematerialize those to make them feel quite different.
Summer patterns often persist into at least late August, but even in the absence of radical changes in weather, muskies seem to sometimes vanish and rematerialize on new real estate within a few days.