remand wing


remand wing

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I was on the remand wing with 154 prisoners and five officers.
He said: "The current resident count is around 1,083 and, with an added remand wing, we are expecting the population to increase rapidly throughout the rest of the year.
"The current resident count is around 1,083 and with an added remand wing, we are expecting the population to increase rapidly throughout the rest of the year.
Civil partners Nyomi and Rachel Fee are currently in separate cells on the same remand wing at Cornton Vale, and the prison service plan to house them in separate jails after they are sentenced.
His solicitor also revealed on June 5 Koca had been the victim of an attack while on the remand wing of Maghaberry prison.
His admission came in a documentary to be broadcast tomorrow night which shows inmates in the remand wing arranging for drugs to be thrown over the perimeter fence.
Paul, of Rowlands Gill, Gateshead, was found hanging in a cell in the remand wing at Castington in March this year.
Paul, 20, of Rowlands Gill, Gateshead, was found hanging in a cell in the remand wing at Castington in March.
The men are understood to be held in the prison's remand wing.
A spokesman for the city's chief prosecutor said the teenager, who is of Moroccan origin, was to spend his first night on a remand wing at Orleans prison this evening but added the 19year-old had no criminal record.