

someone who is relocated or moved to a new location
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There is a three-step process: report to supervisor; follow-up on relocatee; then independent audit.
following personal losses), and the developmental stage of the relocatee.
Out of 23 qualified, solid relocatee prospects, 14 visited central Oregon.
We thought (the house) would be like the blue model house we were shown, with pipelines ready for the water (supply), said Rosie Quilantang, 51, a relocatee at the Makati Homeville in Barangay Dayap here.
Moreover, it aims to provide financial assistance to relocatees so they can start anew.
'Actually, I'm thankful that he mentioned my father, that he still remembers my father,' Diokno said in Filipino after visiting the relocatees of Typhoon Yolanda at Pope Francis Village, Diit, Tacloban City.
For casual city government employees who have been in the service for five years, relocatees, and National Government employees who are assigned in Makati City, Yellow Cards valid for two years are issued.
With the CreditStacks' revolutionary behavioral risk models, relocatees are seen for who they really are: creditworthy professionals that can now get the card they deserve and start their American life the way they should.
The following are results obtained causes and consequences of ethnoreligious crises in Kaduna and the pattern and direction of residential mobility; change of residential accommodation since 1992, reasons for residential relocation, source and destination of the residential relocatees, size and type of former residential accommodation, size and type of new residential accommodation, and reasons for not moving/changing residential accommodation since 1992 amongst others.
To provide context, we carried out 91 interviews (99 individuals) with people who had experienced relocation, with family members of relocatees if the individual had died or was unable to be interviewed (cognitive impairment, critical health issue), and with nine First Nations' community-based and fifteen provincial healthcare providers (see Table 1).
"Public Housing Transformation and Crime: Are Relocatees More Likely to be Offenders or Victims?" Cityscape, 15(3).