

(ˌriːkɒlənaɪˈzeɪʃən) or


the process or action of colonizing something again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This study was conducted prior to the population declines that occurred at this site in 2004 (Lips, unpub.) and offers an opportunity to examine natural movement patterns at a spatial scale equivalent to the recolonization potential for this species.
This cultural recolonization of Sierra Leone has entailed renewed academic and voyeuristic interest in a country the West likes to designate the poorest in the world, and it has become a laboratory for studying a plethora of problems, including AIDS, state collapse, human rights, PTSD, and disaffected youth.
Residential development within and adjacent to protected lands, as well as the location of a waste transfer station within the refuge, provides a constant source of black rats for recolonization and contributes to an increase in the abundance of nuisance native and non-native species.
Moreover, limited recolonization has occurred despite regional trends that should favor its recovery such as increased forest cover, exponentially higher numbers of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, and resultant roadkill than in past decades, and a regional decline in human population.
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is usually initially quite effective, but recolonization by lactobacillus occurs in only 20%-50% of women after treatment; the recurrence rate is high, said Dr.
The ecological story was the same: Once a coral died, algal squatters rushed to cover it, all but eliminating any chance of natural recovery through the recolonization of reefs by larval coral.
The recolonization of Bankside Power Station to house Tate Modern is a singular and visionary project that supplants obsolete heavy industry with contemporary culture.
This investigation sought to determine whether recolonization of the nasopharynx with a nasal spray of [Alpha]-streptococci prevents the recurrence of otitis media in children.
We call on people everywhere to support the mobilizations against the creation of the Free Trade Area in the Americas, an initiative which means the recolonization of Latin America and the destruction of fundamental social, economic, cultural and environmental human rights.
Ethiopian driver: "What is going on is simply the recolonization of