razor fish

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Noun1.Razor fish - any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterraneanrazor fish - any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean
wrasse - chiefly tropical marine fishes with fleshy lips and powerful teeth; usually brightly colored
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Effect of habitat structure on the feeding efficiency of young stages of razor fish (Pelecus cultratus L.): An experimental approach.
Some anglers have made the most of the storm by scouring the beaches collecting razor fish, clams and in some areas ragworm and lugworm - an easy way to collect bait but when the sea dropped there were few fish around to catch.
Peter the skipper and two pals, Michael Newton and Ritchie Carr, had a session last weekend using black lug and razor fish, and had 25 cod between them which were all between 3.5lb and 7lb with a number of undersized fish being returned to the water.
ALAN Thorn's Penarth charter boat Chara, skippered by Mike Walentin, tracked down the Bristol Channel cod and the anglers on board were catching fish running from 5lb to 7lb when Gareth Hartley's rod was almost pulled from his hands as a big fish grabbed the cocktail of lugworm, razor fish and squid he was using as bait.
risk CUDDIHY "The current makes the razor fish pop up but everything else is decimated in its path.
The temporary closure covers St Anne's Head to Picton Point and members of the public are advised not to consume bivalve molluscs (oysters, mussels, cockles, clams, razor fish, etc.) collected in the Milford Haven Waterway, until the area has been reopened.
The super shore caught fish took a cocktail bait of crab, mussel and razor fish.
"We have always sold crabs, lobsters, prawns and whelks but as we become more and more culturally diverse we are selling more specialist fish, such as razor fish and jellied eels.
The contest took place during a flooding tide and Paul caught his flounders on razor fish bait and a size one hook.
Crisps Gully offered some protection from the heavy sea, some nice bags being landed with fish to 6lb taken on razor fish.
It's written by Neil Croft, a former strategy director at the Internet service company Razor Fish.
Kit adds, "We spent a month moored in the shallow waters of the Bahamas Grand Banks waiting to get the very first film of bottlenosed dolphins drilling their heads into the sand to churn up razor fish. And off the Azores, on a glassy flat sea, we spent six hours a day quietly rowing around in a tiny rubber inflatable waiting for sperm whales to surface.