

(Zoology) Scot fish roe or spawn
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Raun Terblanche top-scored with 110 that came off 134 balls and included twelve fours, while Luke Beaufort scored 50 off 73 balls and hit eight boundaries.
SOUTH AFRICA U19: 276 all out in 49.3 overs (Raun Terblanche 110, Luke Beaufort 50; Abbas Afridi 4-40, Shiraz Khan 3-66)
Scores in brief: South Africa U19 276 all out, 49.3 overs (Raun Terblanche 110, Luke Beaufort 50; Abbas Afridi 4-40, Shiraz Khan 3-66) Pakistan U19 280-4, 42.1 overs (Haider Ali 116, Fahad Munir 50; Tiaan van Vuuren 2-49) Player of the match: Haider Ali.
Raun Melmed is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and Director of the Melmed Center in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Tracey Raun: "Best years of our lives, the memories man."
The director of Oktoberfest, Carsten Raun, said: "It's going to be the party of the year in Birmingham.
Director of Oktoberfest Carsten Raun said: "It's going to be the party of the year in Birmingham.
Oktoberfest director Carsten Raun admitted the event had "made mistakes" and said Merseysiders had been charged London prices.
Raun Lohry, former CFO of Kay Flo, will remain on as VP and general operations manager.
"Everyone who came didn't know what to expect,'' said Suzette Raun, president of Indian Ranch, about the reunited band whose infectiously spirited and diverse type of country music has been happily hard to define since first stepping out in 1989.
GLASGOW TIGERS last night signed Dane Anders Thomsen to replace misfiring Jonas Raun.