race murder

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Noun1.race murder - systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
kill, putting to death, killing - the act of terminating a life
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References in periodicals archive ?
THE key witness in the race murder of Stephen Lawrence was called a "n***" by a detective on the team protecting him, an ex-cop claims.
A race murder had happened and to compound the horror the police were making a dreadful mess of the investigation, but nobody in authority wanted to address the problem, and when Neville and Doreen raised the alarm, Britain's white establishment told them to talk to the hand," he added.
(2003), "Race Murder and Community Trauma: Psychoanalysis and Ethnography in Exploring the Impact of the Killing of James Byrd in Jasper," Texas Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society 8(1): 42-50.
But Barbara, 46, insisted she had no idea he planned a campaign of race murder.
I was always very proud that in my earlier days I was able to make films about Ireland or a race murder that would be seen by big audiences.
Cllr Barbara Mace, who is promoting the scheme, also wants a street to be named after race murder victim Anthony Walker
Shop worker Daanish Zahid, 20, was last week found guilty of being involved in the race murder in March.
(Pasha had presided over Turkey's "solution" to its Armenian "problem," resulting in the deaths of nearly x million Armenians in 1915.) At the time, the concept of genocide did not even exist; the Turkish government's persecution and killing of Armenians was called "race murder" by the U.S.
The term "genocide" had not been coined at the time of the massacres, but in his cables to Washington from Ankara, Ambassador Henry Morgenthau referred rather more graphically to "race murder." Another American observer, consul Leslie Davis, who lived and worked in the outlying city of Harput, sent eyewitness reports to the State Department that were ignored at the time but were posthumously published under the title The Slaughterhouse Province, and which supply the most scrupulous and irrefutable testimony.
DCI Driscoll was the one man Doreen Lawrence believed could get full justice for the brutal race murder of her eldest son.