quaking grass

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quaking grass

(Plants) any grass of the genus Briza, of N temperate regions and South America, having delicate flower branches that shake in the wind
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

quaking grass

nZittergras nt
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References in classic literature ?
On the 29th of April, as I was fishing from the bank of the river near the Nine-Acre-Corner bridge, standing on the quaking grass and willow roots, where the muskrats lurk, I heard a singular rattling sound, somewhat like that of the sticks which boys play with their fingers, when, looking up, I observed a very slight and graceful hawk, like a nighthawk, alternately soaring like a ripple and tumbling a rod or two over and over, showing the under side of its wings, which gleamed like a satin ribbon in the sun, or like the pearly inside of a shell.
Syndod, a hyfrydwch, oedd gweld Robin pen grynu (Briza media; Quaking grass) neu'r crydwellt yn tyfu mewn un lle.
Tall grasses like miscanthus and greater quaking grass make a lovely rustling sound, even in gentle breezes; as do fine-leaved trees like birch and robinia.
RUSTLE UP SOUNDS Tall grasses like miscanthus and greater quaking grass make a lovely rustling sound, as do fine-leaved trees like birch and robinia.
Also try Briza maxima (quaking grass), which will create a more delicate effect with its nodding, slender flowers.
Between the mowed grass and the water is a thin strip of tall vegetation--goldenrod, quaking grass and other varieties--that the landowner's mower can't reach.
A diolch yn fawr i Ellen Ann Griffith, Rhydygwystl am ei llythyr am y robin goch, ac yn arbennig am yr eglurhad am yr enw 'robin goch', a'r cyfeiriad at y gweiryn robin pen grynu (Briza media; quaking grass) neu'r crydwellt.
Quaking grass signifies frivolity and grass admits submission; love-in-a-mist says "you puzzle me".
If you've got some grass, start there with ornamental varieties like quaking grass, foxtail and anything else tall and slightly straggly.
Plants including black bog rush (Schoenus nigricans), blunt-flowered rush (Juncus subnodulosus), quaking grass (Briza media) and common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) have been recorded, while protected species like great-crested newt, water vole, and adder breed at the reserve.
But from the air, its traces will surely be seen for ages, and wandering through the meadow that is to replace it, people will be surprised to find corn cockle, vetch, devil's bit scabious, selfheal, agrimony, yarrow, ox-eye daisy and quaking grass: the plants of old England, all strangely gathered within the walls.