quail at

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.quail at - anticipate with dread or anxietyquail at - anticipate with dread or anxiety  
look for, look to, anticipate - be excited or anxious about
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References in classic literature ?
I am fond of solitude and love the night, so my resolution to "camp out" was soon taken, and by the time that it was dark I had made my bed of boughs and grasses in a corner of the room and was roasting a quail at a fire that I had kindled on the hearth.
However, the greatest BWG was estimated for quails fed 0.95% methionine + cysteine diet, being 0.73 methionine + cysteine: lysine ratio for European quail at 35 days of age (FERREIRA et al., 2012b).
New Mexico is home to three kinds of quail: scaled and Gambel's quail in southeastern and southwestern New Mexico, with a few Mearns quail at higher elevations in the southwest.