psychic surgery

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psychic surgery

A form of psychic healing particularly popular in Brazil and the Philipinnes in which healers claim to be able to perform surgical operations using no anesthetic or instruments and causing no pain.
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Workshops range from meditation, mediumship demonstrations, goddess empowerment, laughter yoga, psychic surgery, yoga, past life regression, hypnotherapy, aura interpretation, a spiritual sharing circle, an introduction into psychic art and sound healing.
Her ongoing tour includes dates at the Village Hotel, in Birkenhead, Wirral, where guests can pay PS20 for a twohour "psychic surgery" demonstration.
In a recent forum I was invited to talk about this question, I used the controversial phenomenon of psychic surgery, which our local faith healers perform on patients, to provide answers.
US TV host Oprah Winfrey travelled to Brazil in 2013 to meet him, and witnessed him performing so-called "psychic surgery" at his clinic.
In the remaining sections, she reviews MMI-mediated (PK-mediated) phenomena which do not primarily involve religious practitioners, such as: anomalous healing, including Filipino and Brazilian psychic surgery; the inexplicable feats of marital artists and athletes, such as martial artists knocking down opponents without touching them or athletes causing uncanny movements of a ball; poltergeists and their interpretations from 200 BCE until today; and spontaneous nonrecurrent MMI ("spontaneous nonrecurrent PK"), where her focus is nearly entirely on "spontaneous human combustion" (SHC).
Psychic surgery and other types of medical quackery have their basis in paranormal belief.
himself, as though by psychic surgery, some foreign object
Dederich frankly called his system for shaping new recruits "psychic surgery," and for thousands of Synanon members it worked, at least for a while.
Promoting psychic surgery for cancer is, of course, not a rational social choice, but some attention to the religious aspect of patients' lives may well be genuinely helpful.