protection racket

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protection racket

norganisiertes Erpresserunwesen, (organisierte) Schutzgelderpressung
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

protection racket

nracket m inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
The 26 officers were charged with accepting bribes in a lorry protection racket over the past two months.
The PNP leadership has vowed to intensify the internal cleansing program after reports of involvement of policemen o various illegal activities, including drug protection racket.
The majority of policemen was into the protection racket, robbery/extortion, illegal drug trade and gambling, he said.
DRAMA When a kidnap victim who they'd returned safe and sound is then murdered, Banks believes it involves a local protection racket. But then a long buried secret sends the investigation on an unexpected direction.
The man, in his early 40s, claimed he led a well- oiled cow protection racket across the state.
THE wife of security boss Stephen Clark denied her gangster husband ran a "protection racket" and claimed she had no knowledge of a secret safe in their marital home.
January 7, 1965: Identical twin brothers Ronald and Reginald Kray are taken into custody after being charged in connection with running a protection racket.
Just like in Al Capone-era Chicago, Israelis visiting the Kotel have been forced in recent months to pay money demanded of them by a "protection racket" based in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem -- or risk damage to their cars, or persons.
EVENTS 1965: Ronald and Reginald Kray, above, are in custody charged in connection with running a protection racket.
Dubai-based Melody House is a distributor of major brands for musical instruments and accessories that include Pearl, Sabian, Remo, Vater Percussion, Protection Racket, Electro-Harmonix, T-Rex, TC Electronic, PRS Guitars, Focusrite, Radial Engineering, Primacoustic, Ampeg, Nord, Vintage, Blue Microphones, HK Audio and DPA.
The victim, accused by Gabbana's defence of drug dealing and running an illegal protection racket, was gunned down at close range in Aigburth, Liverpool, on February 24 last year.
ON THIS DAY 1965: Krays in custody over menace charge Identical twin brothers Ronald and Reginald Kray have been remanded in custody charged in connection with running a protection racket in London.

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