potter around

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Related to potter around: putter around
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.potter around - move around aimlessly
move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Potter Around opened in May this year, offering an affordable creative space to the local community.
I like to potter around the house, have a cup of green tea and watch a bit of Friends.
They make furniture, they mend bikes, they garden and generally potter around.
He has become a very sweet and loving young boy who desperately wants a family where he can get lots of cuddles and TLC, and have a nice garden to potter around in and lay in the sunshine.
One neighbour said: "She was a lovely woman whose house was her palace and she loved to potter around the garden.
Of course it doesn't hurt that he and Rob Brydon have such great chemistry as they potter around Italy, trading quips and impressions.
THE BIG ALLOTMENT CHALLENGE (BBC2, 8pm) IT'S time for our weekly potter around the gardeners', sorry, "allotmenteers", patches to see who's coming up smelling of roses and who should be banished to the compost heat.
WE LOVE DOCUMENTARY THE BIG ALLOTMENT CHALLENGE (BBC2, 8pm) IT'S time for our weekly potter around the gardeners', sorry, "allotmenteers", patches to see who's coming up smelling of roses and who should be banished to the compost heat.
I always carry one for a potter around, just in case I spot a weed.
HOUSEWIVES' favourite Alan Titchmarsh has no plans to retire and potter around the garden tending his beds and borders.