pot still

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Related to pot still: Patent still, Reflux still, distilling

pot still

(Brewing) a type of still used in distilling whisky in which heat is applied directly to the pot in which the wash is contained
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Marketing our brandies as Cape Brandy rather than pot still brandy is paying off as there is a lot of confusion around the category, he explains.
And the type of pot still matters as well: copper pot stills are said to develop smoother tequilas than stainless steel stills by removing sulfur and bitterness, creating a smoother spirit.
Minute quantities are diverted to craft our other awardwinning products." The Madeira finish single malt Welsh Whisky is distilled in a unique copper pot still, matured in bourbon barrels, finished in rich Madeira wine casks and bottled at premium strength, giving the single malt a smooth, light character and soft gold colour.
The review-based tourist website tells visitors that The Pot Still - more renowned for its whisky gantry than its menu - is the best place to eat in a city that is home to scores of fine-dining restaurants.
Well into the 1800s, homes in both Europe and North America had a "still room" where the woman of the house used a pot still to transform herbs and flowers into medicines and perfumes.
"Pot still brandy is really a very crude product," he says, trying to be diplomatic.
There will be a new single pot still, identical to the innovative original that's made the distillery famous, as well as a new two-pot still production unit.
Outlining the new investment, Mr Davies said: "The first still will be the same design as our existing - a single copper pot still with two columns, which is unusual in the whisky industry.
Jenever is produced in a pot still and is typically lower in alcohol and more strongly flavoured than London gin.
Ther is another, small group of California brandy producers who distill their brandy totally by pot still. This original method, which dates back centuries, distills small batches at a time over several hours.
There are four main types of Irish whiskey: pure pot still; single malt; single grain and blended, but a multitude of various ages and treatments.