

always looking for pleasure
the quality of always looking for pleasure
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
It would be a mistake to suppose that the easy-going pleasure-seeking student carries an empty head.
The relations of the husband to his affectionate, satiric, pleasure-seeking wife, who knew so well all the eighteen theatres which then existed in Paris, are treated with much quiet humour.
You, for instance, have no profession, Charlie, and you devote your life to a systematic course of what is nothing more or less than pleasure-seeking. You hunt or you shoot, you play polo or golf, you come to town or you live in the country, entirely according to the seasons.
Most of those who saw Fred riding out of Middlemarch in company with Bambridge and Horrock, on his way of course to Houndsley horse-fair, thought that young Vincy was pleasure-seeking as usual; and but for an unwonted consciousness of grave matters on hand, he himself would have had a sense of dissipation, and of doing what might be expected of a gay young fellow.
Her flush had died away almost to paleness; she had the timidity of a luxurious pleasure-seeking nature, which shrinks from the hint of pain.
Our English youth fritters away its time in idleness and pleasure-seeking. The German concentrates.
Dickison leaning against the door-post with a melancholy pimpled face, looking as irrelevant to the daylight as a last night's guttered candle,--all this may not seem a very seductive form of temptation; but the majority of men in Basset found it fatally alluring when encountered on their road toward four o'clock on a wintry afternoon; and if any wife in Basset wished to indicate that her husband was not a pleasure-seeking man, she could hardly do it more emphatically than by saying that he didn't spend a shilling at Dickison's from one Whitsuntide to another.
The actions of very vain, heartless, pleasure-seeking people are very often improper (as are many of yours, my friend with the grave face and spotless reputation--but that is merely by the way); and what are those of a woman without faith--or love--or character?
A fascinating study that compared people who derive happiness from pleasure-seeking to people who derive happiness from a greater sense of meaning and purpose found that the former had increased levels of inflammation and the latter had lower levels.
In this close-knit community, police adopt a relaxed approach to visitors smoking spliffs because the local economy relies heavily on income from these pleasure-seeking tourists.
In this close-knit community, police adopt a relaxed approach to visitors smoking spliffs on the street because the local economy relies heavily on income from these pleasure-seeking tourists.
In this close-knit community, police adopt a relaxed approach to visitors smoking spliffs on the street, because the local economy relies heavily on income from these pleasure-seeking tourists.