plant structure

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Noun1.plant structure - any part of a plant or fungusplant structure - any part of a plant or fungus  
plant life, flora, plant - (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
natural object - an object occurring naturally; not made by man
stub - a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost
button - any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
thallus - a plant body without true stems or roots or leaves or vascular system; characteristic of the thallophytes
pileus, cap - a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom
calyptra - the hood or cap covering the calyx of certain plants: e.g., the California poppy
volva - cuplike structure around the base of the stalk of certain fungi
domatium - a part of a plant (e.g., a leaf) that has been modified to provide protection for insects or mites or fungi
pycnidium - flask-shaped asexual structure containing conidia
stipule - a small leafy outgrowth at the base of a leaf or its stalk; usually occurring in pairs and soon shed
tepal - an undifferentiated part of a perianth that cannot be distinguished as a sepal or a petal (as in lilies and tulips)
gynostegium - the crown of the stamen in plants of the genus Asclepias
chalaza - basal part of a plant ovule opposite the micropyle; where integument and nucellus are joined
nucellus - central part of a plant ovule; contains the embryo sac
germ tube - (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a spore in germination
pollen tube - (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a pollen grain when deposited on the stigma for a flower; it penetrates the style and conveys the male gametes to the ovule
mentum - a projection like a chin formed by the sepals and base of the column in some orchids
corona - (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
lip - (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx
mycelium - the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae
plant organ - a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
aril - fleshy and usually brightly colored cover of some seeds that develops from the ovule stalk and partially or entirely envelopes the seed
duct - a continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells lacking intervening end walls
velum, veil - a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms
annulus, skirt - (Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar
plant tissue - the tissue of a plant
tendril - slender stem-like structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object for support
stump, tree stump - the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled
prophyll - a plant structure resembling a leaf
stock - a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants
receptacle - enlarged tip of a stem that bears the floral parts
kernel, meat - the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone; "black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell"
lobe - (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided
ligule - (botany) any appendage to a plant that is shaped like a strap
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
UNECE states that nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds are of particular concern as these compounds react and penetrate into the plant structure.
By dividing the plant community structure into 4 layers (woodland, shrub, herbaceous and grassland) (Yongchang, 2001), the objective of this study was (a) to assess the trends in variation of the annual maintenance energy consumption and GHG emissions due to changes in the plant structure combinations of the plant communities in the urban greenspace and (b) to predict the levels of maintenance energy use and GHG emissions according to changes in plant structure combinations to understand the environmental impact of maintenance in existing and future urban greenspace.
She explains how to use color, design for plant structure and texture, and keep the garden thriving, and provides a gallery of gardens that shows how the designers used color, their overall design intent, their water-saving strategies, and the garden's physical conditions and key plants.
In a thermal power plant structure, the mass of the coal scuttle can be determined first.
They report that if the natural plant structure is maintained, the level of fat the body absorbs is greatly reduced, helping in weight management and potentially helping to reduce incidences of cardiovascular disease.
A study conducted with Kindergarten and Year 1 students was designed to find out what children's drawings reveal about their understanding of plant structure and function.
With this game, users can also track plant growth and learn plant structure.
Acclimation of plants to water deficit is the result of different events, which lead to adaptive changes in plant growth and physio biochemical processes, such as changes in plant structure, growth rate, tissue's osmotic potential and antioxidant defenses.
These roots grow deeper inside soil in search of food and trigger plants' growth and support subsequent plant structure and fruit formation.
The company said REGALIA MAXX is the first plant extract-based fungicide approved in Brazil and is the first biopesticide with Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), which creates a defense response in the treated plants and stimulates additional biochemical pathways that strengthen the plant structure and act against the pathogen.