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Related to pillaged: despoiled, plundered, looted


v. pil·laged, pil·lag·ing, pil·lag·es
1. To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; plunder.
2. To take as spoils.
To take spoils by force.
1. The act of pillaging.
2. Something pillaged; spoils.

[From Middle English, booty, from Old French, from piller, to take (by ruse), plunder, manhandle, from Vulgar Latin *pīliāre, perhaps originally meaning "to deprive (someone) of his felt cap" and derived from Latin pilleus, pīleus, felt cap (given to an ancient Roman freedman as a symbol of his emancipation); perhaps akin to Greek pīlos, felt.]

pil′lag·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.pillaged - wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value; "the robbers left the looted train"; "people returned to the plundered village"
empty - holding or containing nothing; "an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours"
2.pillaged - having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside"
destroyed - spoiled or ruined or demolished; "war left many cities destroyed"; "Alzheimer's is responsible for her destroyed mind"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
After four months of incredible suffering, their baggage having been pillaged, and their attendants beaten and slain, they arrived at Kazeh, a sort of central rendezvous for traders and caravans.
Old swords, and pistols without ball or powder; sledge-hammers, knives, axes, saws, and weapons pillaged from the butchers' shops; a forest of iron bars and wooden clubs; long ladders for scaling the walls, each carried on the shoulders of a dozen men; lighted torches; tow smeared with pitch, and tar, and brimstone; staves roughly plucked from fence and paling; and even crutches taken from crippled beggars in the streets; composed their arms.
Unluckily, the caravan was attacked and pillaged by the Bedouins, and the pilgrims were taken prisoners.
But above all, in every state it is necessary, both by the laws and every other method possible, to prevent those who are employed by the public from being venal, and this particularly in an oligarchy; for then the people will not be so much displeased from seeing themselves excluded from a share in the government (nay, they will rather be glad to have leisure to attend their private affairs) as at suspecting that the officers of the state steal the public money, then indeed they are afflicted with double concern, both because they are deprived of the honours of the state, and pillaged by those who enjoy them.
The PM's aide also stated that people are being exposed and their deeds are coming to the forefront, people have been looted and the national exchequer has been pillaged.
CD made the call in a signed statement made available to newsmen in Lagos by its General Secretary, Ifeanyi Odili, affirming that soon after the advent of President Muhammadu Buhari's administration, Nigerians had further been pillaged, cheated, intimidated, blackmailed and subjected to sub-human beings.
Mahmud marched on to Nagarkot/Bhimnagar fort and pillaged it for 70 million silver coins (Hindu Shahiya-Punjab), gold and silver ingots weighing a few hundred kilograms, and a large amount of jewellery embedded with precious stones.
Some of the churches have even been demolished, others pillaged and some are currently being used as stables, mosques or as part of military camps.
North East England has been "pillaged" by big firms sucking wealth out of the region, a report claims.
Blasted from my mountains Sold by the corporAtes Ransacked, pillaged,
The Mother Superior at an ancient Syrian monastery has denied pro-Assad propaganda claims that Christian holy sites have been pillaged by rebels battling for control of the city of Maaloula.