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Noun1.pichi - Peruvian shrub with small pink to lavender tubular flowers; leaves yield a tonic and diuretic
Fabiana, genus Fabiana - genus of South and Central American heathlike evergreen shrubs
bush, shrub - a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
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References in periodicals archive ?
Pichi Richi Shiraz 2018, South East Australia (PS6, Marks & Spencer) is a fun, fruity, easygoing wine with a rush of red berry aromas followed by chocolate coated dark cherry fruit.
(44,45) In a randomized controlled comparative study of MR antagonists, Pichi et al.
nosotros le decimos pichikeche (personas pequenas), ya puede ser pichi zomo (se refiere a la nina mujer) o pichi wentru, (al nino hombre); igual no mas hay que tratarlos como mapuche que son" (padre, Puerto Saavedra).
In this study, we investigated the effect of an acidic [beta]-1,4-xylanase, cloned from Aspergillus sulphureus and constitutively expressed in Pichi pastoris, in wheat-based diets on the growth of weanling pigs.
2015), proponiendo asi rehabilitar el rango generico establecido en clasificaciones morfologicas y moleculares anteriores (Holttum, 1971; Pichi Sermolli, 1977; Smith & Cranfill, 2002).
(41.) Pichi F, Ciardella AP, Cunningham ET Jr, Morara M, Veronese C, Jumper JM, et al.