penny shares

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penny shares

pl n
(Stock Exchange) stock exchange securities with a low market price, esp less than 20p, enabling small investors to purchase a large number for a relatively small outlay
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He took up the right to purchase around a million penny shares in Green's original share offering, which gave him a stake of just under two per cent.
Penny shares tumbled 4.15 percent to 18.01 dollars after the American mid-range chain department store reported a bigger- than-expected loss in its first quarter earnings.
Such a price is lower than the amount Vornado paid for Penny shares.
Over the period, large companies across the entire world have seen an improvement while some smaller stocks, dare I say penny shares, are especially volatile.
James Daly, a TD Waterhouse spokesman, says: "It is a feature of stock markets falling from a higher level that penny shares can offer potential for huge percentage profits in very short time.
"If people want to trade shares at silly prices, that's up to the kind of people who play in penny shares," said Kahn.
Not ensuring that customers were provided with all appropriate information about investing in penny shares, as was required by Hoodless's own internal standards.
"When the share price is low, there can be some spectacular gains and people have often made a fortune out of penny shares."
"The market is constantly abuzz with rumours of buy-out and merger opportunities," says Evan Jon, managing editor of Red Hot Penny Shares. "Managers are frantically buying shares in their own booming companies, and everybody's touting penny shares as the big opportunity of the new century."
Buying a high volume of penny shares at their low price can allow you to get in on the growth of new companies on the ground floor, when their share price is affordable.
Some penny shares made it to the top gainers list on low volume.
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