pencil case

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Noun1.pencil case - a box for holding pencilspencil case - a box for holding pencils    
box - a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
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pencil case

nastuccio per matite
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

pencil case

مَقْلَمَةٌ penál pennalhus Federmappe κασετίνα estuche para lápices, plumier kynäkotelo trousse pernica astuccio 筆箱 필통 potloodetui pennal piórnik estojo para lápis, porta-lápis пенал pennfodral กล่องใส่ดินสอ kalemlik hộp bút 铅笔盒
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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That is, I did miss a silver pencil case that Aunt Mary Pratt gave me last birthday--"
"No, I sha'n't; for when I suggested theft about the watch and got such a rap, I went and examined my room, and the pencil case was missing, but it was only mislaid, and I found it again."
Filofax, PS35, Amara Pencil case, PS7, Accessorize Look cool, feel smug about not using a plastic bottle, glow because you're so well-hydrated.
? WHSmith: Marshmallow Plush Barrel Pencil Case PS9.99
A Helix Geometry Filled Pencil Case drops from PS5 to PS3.75, a pack of four Sharpie highlighters is now PS2 instead of PS3.50, Bic Cristal blue or black ball pens (10) are half price at PS1.50 and Bic Evolutions pencils with erasers fall from PS3.50 to PS2.
The British retailer is currently offering a free pencil case when you spend [pounds sterling]35 on its Cath Kids range.
First school is frightening enough for little ones without banning something as innocuous as a favourite 'fancy' pencil case - a harsh lesson at such a young age.
banning something as innocuous as a favourite 'fancy' pencil case _ a harsh lesson at such a young age.
"Every pencil case goes in a backpack for a child in Malawi," she said.
SMIGGLE PENCIL CASE, PS15.50 Australian stationery retailer, Smiggle, has launched in Buchanan Galleries and is geared up to help you get back to school with this fun and quirky pencil case.
Poundworld's products start from 75p, whereas a pencil case in Paperchase can set you back around PS5.