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The increased patient role and importance in staying updated and informed about their own healthcare decisions, is contributing to the rise in adoption of digitized patient monitoring devices.
Pharmaceutical companies will continue hiring specialists in patient affairs and patient advocacy, building roles internally with most of the top 20 pharma companies having a senior-level or C-suite patient role by 2019.
Many psychiatrists today undergo psychotherapy for their own well-being and to better understand the patient role.
Successful physicians will learn how to become the patient's advocate and guide in ways that accommodate a more active patient role in treatment planning and execution.
These changes seemed to be shaped primarily by a changing patient role, increased interdisciplinary teamwork, and rehabilitation taking place in the patient's environment.
Service members are provided a structured, scheduled environment to prevent them from adopting a patient role. (10) The aim is to restore resiliency through physical, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive skills.
It is important that actors are self-aware and do not put themselves at risk by drawing on their own personal experiences with mental illness to fulfil the patient role. Acting out responses by inappropriately drawing on their own experiences may take the scenario in a direction not intended by the simulation design.
The Marine-turned-journalist, functioning as both a patient and recorder of the patient role, holds up an excellent mirror to our psychiatric practice.
Using a very old reference from my thesis, Tryon and Leonard (1965) stated that the active patient role requires more of those persons working with the patient, rather than less.
For example, if agent a is a student (i.e., agent a plays student role) and has been infected by an infectious disease, then agent a should adapt the change to transforming its role into patient role and go to a hospital.
The power differential between patients and their physicians is deeply engrained in the culture of medicine and is rooted in differences in status and knowledge (Starr 1982) and is expressed and reinforced through the traditional, passive patient role and the dominant, paternalistic physician role enacted during a medical encounter (Charles, Whelan, and Gafni 1999).
Also, residents may be unwilling or unable to see themselves in the patient role. They may attempt to define their treatment in singular and distinctive ways, setting them selves apart from nonphysician patients.

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