

vb (tr)
to lie across
obsolete contrary
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"Whethersoever it be that my mind miscarrieth, bewraying simple language in such sort that the words do seem to come endlong and overthwart --"
The dore was al of adamant eterne, Yclenched overthwart and endelong With iren tough; and for to make it strong, Every pyler, the temple to sustene, Was tonne-greet, of iren bright and shene.
For inquiries write to Sophie Cussins at Overthwarts Farmhouse, Lemmington Estate, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 2BQ, call 07803 755553, or email stay@lemmingtoncottages.com, or log on to the website www.lemmingtoncottages.com
Later, when Semele allows herself to mock Eumenides's own speech and quips that his 'speech beginneth to be so heavy' (13) that he had better go to sleep with Endymion, Cynthia grows displeased with their 'unseemly and malapert overthwarts' (16-17).
Formerly of Overthwarts. Peacefully in hospital on Wednesday 4th April 2012, aged 90 years, Edith, beloved wife of the late Tommy and much loved aunt to Joan, Jonny, Bill, Michael, Peter, Elsie and Susan.
The Granary, Overthwarts, Edlingham, is for sale through Smiths Gore for offers in the region of pounds 375,000, tel: 01434 632001.
Stable Cottage, Overthwarts Farm, is for sale through Sanderson Young at a guide price of pounds 395,000, tel: (01665) 600170.