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the state of being outdated
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The current focus of the mobility of memory underlines the outdatedness of earlier models of the study of cultural memory, shaped by Pierre Nora's concept of lieux de memoire (the sites of memory) (1989) as well as Maurice Halbwachs' theory of collective memory (1992) and Jan Assmann's paradigm of cultural memory (see, e.g.
The result is stagnation and outdatedness which make the religious life irrelevant.
Ahmed emphasizes contextuality, pointing to both the merits and the outdatedness of la convivencia; he pushes the reader to think about the implementation of a new version of the concept to meet the needs of a more inclusive and peaceful Europe.
The day when the world was divided into the material West and East, and no one presumed a major religious movement would emerge, the Islamic revolution of Iran stepped into the scene gloriously and mightily; it broke the frameworks; it flaunted to the world the outdatedness of the cliches; it put the religion and the material world together, and declared the coming of a new era.
ACT also lamented that Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) which "has not been adjusted since 2009 to cope with the rising cost of living." The group decried the "outdatedness" of the current PERA and called for the increase of the current rates to Php5,000 monthly.
Manual to reflect current law, noting that its outdatedness
However, that doesn't excuse its outdatedness. It is not always easy getting access with a camera to the inner workings of our hospitals, where privacy is paramount and staff are working under pressure.
Those export a form of aesthetics and a certain sense of know-how, which is no longer synonymous with outdatedness. Switzerland in 2018 is more confident than it was in 1998.
He strongly criticized the technological outdatedness of Indian defence industry compared to Pakistan's.
As she stabs Sydney, Jill declares "let's face it your ingenue days, they're over," metafilmically referencing actress Neve Campbell's own maturity and outdatedness (1:31:25).
Under the pressure of a general consensus of the outdatedness of the existing curriculum and textbooks and at the same time spurred by the international trend in educational reform for more rigorous curricular standards in the UK, the US, Korea and other countries, the Ministry of Education of China conducted a large-scale education reform experiment (from grade 1 to grade 9) in several provinces from 2001-2010, and, based on the experiment, it released the New Curricular Standards in Compulsory Education (NCSCE).