
Also found in: Acronyms, Encyclopedia.


dialect Scot dust; fluff
[of unknown origin]
ˈoosy adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There were many methods and techniques offered by various researchers to describe object oriented analysis and design such as Booch, Coad, Moses, OMT, OOSE, SOMA.
FEELING GREAT: Jane says she's happy with life, 14 years after making her name on reality show The Cruise CHAT ROOM: Jane pictured with (from Lisa Maxwell, Sherrie Hewson on the L left) Andrea McLean, oose Women set ON TOUR: Jane is back singing again
"Oose culpable for this 'ere load of old rubbish?" he'd bellow and some previously cocksure young turk would quickly be reduced to stuttering and stammering like Hugh Grant on a public-speaking course.
While the state can still make rules, (83) lacking enforcement they oose their effectiveness.
* Week 7, Aug 11-Aug 17: "Alberta oose" When Edmonton bow-zone outfitter Ryk Visscher extended an invitation to hunt moose in the very special archery-only area, Tom Nelson could hardly wait.
But the church needs to recognize that sexual joking is also a gift of God, a way of recognizing the weirdness of sexuality as something we didn't ch oose and can only laugh about, a way of sharing and defusing the shame, a way of allowing that after all we are not in control, and maybe God doesn't mean us to be.
9] Thus, the relationship between consumer surplus and happiness is more or less l oose for a number of reasons; violations of the choice-value thesis only add another one to the list.