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Noun1.odynophagia - severe pain on swallowing due to a disorder of the esophagus
hurting, pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
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A 48 years old woman with history of fibromyalgia and multinodular goiter presented to emergency department (ED) of our University Hospital in February 2017 with complaint of progressive dysphagia initially to solid and then to liquid and solids, odynophagia, anorexia, hoarseness, and sudden thyroid swelling that worsen nine days prior to admission that forced her to seek medical attention.
A 61-year-old man was referred to our department with the complaints of fever, chest and neck pain, and odynophagia. The patient was operated 2 days ago due to lumbar disk hernia under general anesthesia.
Presence or absence of odynophagia, lymphedema, subcutaneous fibrosis, brachial plexopathy, rib fracture and occurrence of second malignancies were also recorded.
A 31-year-old woman presented with sore throat, odynophagia, hoarseness, and a cough productive of yellow sputum for 1 week.
Results: Among the 289 cases in the study, a pronounced increase in the number of patients was observed during Eid-ul-Adha, with the most frequent symptoms in 263(91%) patients being dysphagia and odynophagia. The number of patients with oesophageal foreign bodies diagnosed during Eid-ul-Adha were significantly higher than the other months (p<0.05).
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of sucralfate for relieving post-tonsillectomy odynophagia.
Findings on presentation may include chest pain, dyspnea, cough, odynophagia, subcutaneous emphysema, neck swelling, and pneumothorax.
An 8-year-old boy presented to the emergency department with odynophagia of secretions, dysphagia of liquids, and sialorrhea.
Table 1: RTOG classification about acute Esophagitis [5] Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 No change Mild dysphagia or Moderate dysphagia or over baseline odynophagia/may odynophagia/may require topical require narcotic anesthetic or non- analgesics/may narcotic analgesics/ require puree or may require soft diet liquid diet Grade 3 Grade 4 Severe dysphagia or Complete obstruction, odynophagia with ulceration, perfor- dehydration or weight ation, fistula loss(O15% from pre- treatment baseline) requiring N-G feeding tube, I.V.
A 9 year old child presented with history of button battery ingestion for 2 hours associated with odynophagia. The plain X-ray of the neck revealed the foreign body with a 'double halo' or 'double contour' in the upper oesophagus suggestive of a button battery (Figure 1), which was removed immediately by rigid oesophagoscopy in the operating theatre (Figure 2).