
Also found in: Thesaurus.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a nonexistent goal; "he lived without a reason progressing toward no-goal"
goal, end - the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; "the ends justify the means"
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"We celebrate, and then we don't celebrate, and then the fans of Leicester celebrate a no-goal.
On an afternoon when disposed strikers Aleksandar Mitrovic and Dwight Gayle scored yet again, United huffed and puffed their way to a no-goal conclusion.
Finally, with 50 seconds left to play Patrick Asselin scored to make it 3-1 on a shot that was reviewed by the officials and eventually rewarded despite the first official back on the ice signalling it a "no-goal" only to be corrected by his refereeing partner.
The referee decided to review the situation using video technology and declared no-goal based on a foul on Rashid.
The 27,000 crowd witnessed the ball cross the line but, because it ended up outside the net, after some hesitation, the referee decided 'no-goal.'.
Cedric's penalty is a game-defining moment at 0-0 and then the 'no-goal' to win the game - it's flabbergasting.
The no-goal call came just 30 seconds after Oakmont had tied the game at 3-3.
Frank Lampard's no-goal against Germany, the one the whole world saw except the two who count most (referee and assistant) finally forced FIFA to concede that although to err is human, to shun available, useful aid is a huge error in judgment.
IT SAYS much for the impact we've made at this World Cup that even Serena Williams has been in touch to sympathise about that no-goal against Slovenia.
At noon on Monday, after making two calls (and closing them both), he'd actually be behind on his no-goal. And rather than slowing down his sales activity, he'd have to pick up the pace to get his 10 nos for the week.
He was clever enough, remember, to spot an offside goal that nobody else on the planet could understand last season (Andy Johnson's baffling no-goal at Ewood Park).