nervous disorder

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Related to nervous disorder: anxiety disorder
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Noun1.nervous disorder - a disorder of the nervous system
disorder, upset - a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"
brain damage - injury to the brain that impairs its functions (especially permanently); can be caused by trauma to the head, infection, hemorrhage, inadequate oxygen, genetic abnormality, etc.
brain disease, brain disorder, encephalopathy - any disorder or disease of the brain
ataxia, ataxy, dyssynergia, motor ataxia - inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements; unsteady movements and staggering gait
atopognosia, atopognosis - absence or loss of topognosia; inability to locate correctly a point of touch
dyskinesia - abnormality in performing voluntary muscle movements
chorea - any of several degenerative nervous disorders characterized by spasmodic movements of the body and limbs
flaccid paralysis - weakness or loss of muscle tone resulting from injury or disease of the nerves innervating the muscles
ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease - thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
athetosis - a continuous succession of slow, writhing, involuntary movements of the hands and feet and other body parts
kuru - a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by increasing lack of coordination and advancing to paralysis and death within a year of the appearance of symptoms; thought to have been transmitted by cannibalistic consumption of diseased brain tissue since the disease virtually disappeared when cannibalism was abandoned
nerve compression - harmful pressure on a nerve (especially in nerves that pass over rigid prominences); causes nerve damage and muscle weakness
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References in classic literature ?
A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced.
She is now an incurable sufferer from some mysterious nervous disorder which nobody understands, and which has kept her a prisoner on the island, self-withdrawn from all human observation, for years past.
The rigors which had attacked Barrois gradually increased, the features of the face became quite altered, and the convulsive movement of the muscles appeared to indicate the approach of a most serious nervous disorder. Noirtier, seeing Barrois in this pitiable condition, showed by his looks all the various emotions of sorrow and sympathy which can animate the heart of man.
It tells the story of a Victorian woman with a "nervous disorder," whose physician-husband orders bed rest and isolation, refusing to let her read, write or care for their young child.
Sally Wainwright's acclaimed series which uses the real-life diaries of Lister - part of which were written in code - as its source, continues tonight, with Doctor Belcombe confirming that Anne and Miss Walker's passionate affair is the perfect treatment for the latter's nervous disorder. However, they are soon brought back down to earth - a tragic homecoming awaits them when they return from York to Halifax and a bereavement brings their secrets to light.
Gentleman Jack (BBC1, 9pm-10pm) Sally Wainwright's acclaimed series which uses the real-life diaries of Lister - part of which were written in code - as its source, continues tonight, with Doctor Belcombe confirming that Anne and Miss Walker's passionate affair is the perfect treatment for the latter's nervous disorder. Suranne Match of the Day Live: FIFA Women's World Cup (BBC1, 4.30pm-7.10pm) England v Scotland (Kick-off 5.00pm).
Tonight, Doctor Belcombe confirms that Anne and Miss Walker's affair is the perfect treatment for the latter's nervous disorder. However, a tragic homecoming awaits when they return from York to Halifax, and a bereavement brings their secrets to light.
Stringhalt is a nervous disorder which affects the legs of which animal?
Before the change, students were required to report any "condition or impairment" related to substance or alcohol abuse or "mental, emotional or nervous disorder or condition." The revised question, according to Catherine C.
THE family of former Wales forward Gareth Williams have come up with an inspired way to raise money for the fight to find a cure for the rare nervous disorder which caused his death three months ago.
Indigofera arrecta leaves are traditionally used in the treatment of epilepsy, nervous disorder, ulcers and diabetes mellitus.
According to doctors, consumption of adulterated food items may cause diarrhea, kidney failure, stomach cancer, liver cancer, asthma, nervous disorder, sore throat, bronchitis, skin infection, allergic reaction and many other diseases.