

(Peoples) derogatory Scot a young working-class female who dresses in casual sports clothes
[C20: from ned + -ette]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The cartoon featured a new family, The Neds, comprising Ned, Nedette, and their kids, Asbo and Chavette (December 17, 2005, and April 18, 2006; see Raisborough and Adams 2008) and led to protests in the Scottish Parliament against "classism" and to challenges from Scotland's Children's Commissioner (Sunday Times, February 5, 2006; The Scotsman, February 6, 2006).
To be fair, though, after lifting the Scottish Junior Cup at Rugby Park, I hear the Auchinleck boys drove home via The Scheme and did at least get a V-sign from that nedette with the "F*** Me" shades.
For a start off, the parents of the waste of space 14-year-old nedette who jumped in front of his car, should have clipped her around the I ear - not taken her to hospital where all she had was a soft tissue injury to her foot.
Professor Keith Topping, of Dundee University, who specialises in Education and Social Research, said the nedette problem is often worse than police records and court proceedings show.
There are even reports of ned and nedette parties in the suburbs where middle-class kids dress up in the clothes worn by the types that most strike fear into their parents.
Among the darker ones are chavette, (a female chav), ned and nedette (young working class people in sports clothes), hornbag (a promiscuous woman), bump uglies or hit skins (to have sex) and slashfest (violent computer game using knives).
Hard luck, though, to the Craigland nedette who turned up for the auditions because she'd heard that they were looking for a character called C.
J-Lo is rather more than your average nedette on the street.
One day, there's going to be white stuff on the end of these shredded, pathetic finger pads, and when that happens, I'm going to a nail bar and getting a full-on nedette manicure with CELTIC emblazoned across them in green and white diamantes.
Rebecca, though, being a non-smoker, accidentally picked up 100s, which are really long and give a girl the look of a hatchet-faced nedette pushing a buggy to the dole office.
Yes, for one day only, she ditched her sophisticated Euro exterior and decided to embrace her true nedette roots.
It will feature a family - Ned, Nedette and their children, Asbo and Chavette.