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(Instruments) a Hebrew harp-like instrument
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Barry Gray was the first to hold conversations with listeners during the 1950s, and Long John Nebel instituted the seven-second delay that has managed to keep obscenities and other over-the-top objectionable material from going on the air.
His novels include Der Mann im Nebel (1899; "The Man in the Fog") and Die Kinder aus Ohlsens Gang (1908; "The Children from Ohlsen's Passage").
In the case of Blenheim Palace, for example, the very real military elements in plan and detail are augmented here by an implausible interpretation of the house as Marlborough in formation at the River Nebel during the battle.
Lab manipulations for cryopreservation may impair the embryo's capacity to develop in the uterus, suggests coauthor Laslo Nebel. However, he would not discard cryopreservation altogether because it offers practical advantages and in some cases yields "quite good results," he told SCIENCE NEWS.
It was also good that the same day all the French television channels showed Nacht und Nebel (Nnight and Fog"), a film about Nazi concentration camps.
Lena Nebel, CFP, MSFS has joined the advisory team of financial services firm Brotman Financial Group Inc.
Co-founder Lynzie Nebel - who is lead project engineer and an account manager at Erie, Pa.-based toolmaker Jade Group International - said that one of the biggest hurdles to getting more people interested in plastics is that they don't know about plastics programs available at community colleges and universities.
"I don't think it's discouraged people from coming," said Spencer Nebel, Newport's city manager.
The latest trick shows the group settling for hallway up the 607 ft Euromast Tower in Rotterdam, Holland, with a 321ft shot that took the main shooter Kyle Nebel 62 attempts to finally get the ball in the hoop, Mirror reports.
The teenagers named Scott Gaunson, Derek Herron and Kyle Nebel attempted this record to help poor children in the world.
Anne Nebel, assistant dean for academic affairs, described the goal of the technology initiative as putting resources in the hands of students.
Nebel constructs and organizes lessons so that scientific skills are developed and integrated in a systematic, logical way while still allowing flexibility to accommodate the individuality of children.