natural language processing

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Noun1.natural language processing - the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
informatics, information processing, information science, IP - the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information
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- Adding intelligence to repetitive tasks by finding structure and commonality within data and applying natural language processing and deep learning to improve task completion accuracy
TermSet provides solutions that unlock the information inside documents by using natural language processing based on artificial intelligence.
Skim Technologies is a DSaaS company that specialises in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for the discovery, understanding and use of unstructured data within business applications ranging from Healthcare to Financial Services.
ORLANDO--Reviewing patient charts for asthma risk factors using natural language processing can be done 8 times faster than reviewing the charts by hand, and with high levels of accuracy, researchers reported here.
He brings an extensive and highly regarded research background in the development of algorithms for reasoning under uncertainty and machine learning (ML) with application to assistive technologies, natural language processing and telecommunication networks.
Again AI and natural language processing can help you generate heat maps in store and answer questions like:
With the natural language processing function, a user simply calls out "LG Whisen" in the direction of the device and then tells it to switch on or off, or the temperature and wind strength.
Among their topics are methods and resources for computing semantic relatedness, selected topics in statistical computing, two-stage and sequential sampling for estimation and testing with prescribed precision, multilingual semantic dictionaries for natural language processing: the case of BabelNet, and the use of semantics in robotics: improving doctors' performance using a cricothyrotomy simulator.
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, cognitive computing and natural language processing are changing the world.
Alef uses hypermedia content powered by artificial intelligence, and its design adopts natural language processing, advanced data science, and technology-enhanced content to deliver a system that engages students and encourages self-learning.

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