movable type

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movable type

n. Printing
Type in which separate pieces of hard material, usually metal, are positioned in a rack to compose the lines on a page. Movable type was invented independently in China and Europe and made possible the widespread dissemination of information through the production of large numbers of identical documents.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
They say that the first movable types were made on birch sticks--BUCHSTABE--hence the name.
He came up with a process for mass-producing movable type and using oil-based ink to print books, as well as creating adjustable moulds, mechanical movable type and a wooden printing press similar to the agricultural screw presses of the period.
It just isn't the same, just as it wouldn't have been the same years ago had I examined replicas of those medieval manuscripts rather than the very pages handwritten by anonymous scribes centuries before the advent of movable type.
inventor Johannes Gutenberg printed the first Western book produced using movable type. This is the date commemorated by Printed Book Day, an occasion that brings together authors, librarians, and bibliophiles to pay homage to the printed word.
But as Peter devotes all his waking hours to the task of printing with movable type, he slowly discovers printing's beauty, its power and its art.
Noodles represent a pinnacle of civilisation, even though they are woefully under-represented alongside other important things like fire, paper, movable type, computers and console gaming.
If newspapers disappear, not only will there be nothing to take their place, but their decline and fall may herald the death of the printed word, to be exact, the death of what Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian philosopher of communications media, called our "Gutenberg galaxy," that world where the invention by Johanne Gutenberg of the printing press, or movable type, in 1439 introduced Europe to mass communication, which in turn permanently altered the structure of society.
When Gutenberg invented the mechanical movable type he not only opened the floodgates to the massive production of book, but also kick- started industrialization as such.
My wife has threatened to chuck them in the bin one day, like the way she trashed the newspapers I had been saving from the time Guttenberg may have invented the movable type printing press in his garage.
She presses each letter of movable type into the clay and cuts out each design from masking tape.
England and The Netherlands, which were printing centers, were particularly rife with peddlers from about 1600, when many printed materials became available thanks to the invention of movable type, until about 1850, when copyright laws began to control reimbursements to authors and costs ran beyond the resources of most vendors.
* Creative Management of Authors and Literary Properties workshop presented by Jason Allen Ashlock of Movable Type Management