

vb (tr)
to transcribe incorrectly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(59) The persisting legacy of the gentry bias is that many modern Chinese books continue to mistranscribe this naming character as [phrase omitted], including the very case of [phrase omitted] and numerous other names cited above.
Early editions, and some modem ones, mistranscribe the word "legitimate" in this passage as "legislative." See, e.g., Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptist Association (Jan.
(1.) Hagen and Atkinson (2000:42) mistranscribe part of the last sentence as 'a line drawn from lake Tyrell to Yellamgip, nearly west of Lake Tyrel defines the border south of the Laitche-laitche'.
Blind transcription is a precaution against someone who knows the target identity for a trial being biased by their knowledge to mistranscribe, add, or omit material to the response transcript in such a way that might provide cues that would help the judge select the target.
To give only one example, for Zesan (which they mistranscribe in Wade-Giles as Ts'e-san), they give Karlgren's (Ancient Chinese) reading as "d'ek-san" instead of "d'Dk-san." The diacritic over the d- is all important in order to account for the modem affricate initial and the difference in the vowel is also not a trivial matter.
HJ 2987: [Chinese Text Omitted] has to be read as [Chinese Text Omitted] (which is, in fact, how the Leizuan [Y1291.1] and Moshi editors both mistranscribe the oracle-bone form of the charge as [Chinese Text Omitted] rather than [Chinese Text Omitted]): "May not change to (or give) sun."(52) For over four hundred fifty cases of inscriptions containing the phrase [Chinese Text Omitted], see Y1190.2-96.2.
(24) Keller's edition standardizes spelling, mistranscribes or omits words, and adds punctuation marks according to his own judgment and the conventions of the day.
mistranscribes words and phrases: "papists and popery" (13)
(41.) Hieatt, Gathering, 134 mistranscribes licour for MS liuoure, obscuring the particular nature of this dish.
And, actually, he mistranscribes the "Giant Steps" head, in the last four measures.
Rushdie also borrows two other stories from the hadith by way of Rodinson: one, the story of the scribe whose faith in the Revelation is shaken when he mistranscribes Mahound's dictation of the Quran, and the interpolations go unnoticed by the Prophet (Rodinson 219); and the other, where the Prophet's youngest "wife, Ayesha, is exonerated of sexual indiscretion by the archangel himself (199-204).