missile control system

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missile control system

A system that serves to maintain attitude stability and to correct deflections. See also missile guidance system.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The smooth input avoids the problem of singularity and chattering, which ensures better performance of the missile control system and exhibits superior availability for practical application.
With the strike called off, Washington secretly launched cyber-attacks against Iranian missile control systems and a spy network in response to the downed drone, according to US media reports.US media said the attacks crippled computers used to control missile launchers and a spying group tracking ships in the Gulf.
It is claimed that American forces targeted missile control systems and a spy network as the countries edged closer to conflict.
Senate Armed Services Committee study that identified more than 1 million individual suspected counterfeit electronic parts in weapons systems ranging from night-vision goggles to missile control systems. More than 90 percent of the counterfeits were traced to China.

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