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1. (Military)
a. the process of disarming and removing explosive mines from an area
b. (as modifier): mine-clearing operations.
2. (Military) (as modifier): mine-clearing operations.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A senior Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) official on Monday said the organisation needs an additional budget of $406 million and a further 1,000 mine-clearing personnel to meet its goal of 100 per cent mine clearance by 2025.
However, our ever-alert Julie has told me of another innovation; mine-clearing rats!
"The specialists from the Russian mine-clearing units have been conducting the operation of demining the historical Palmyra.
--The sapper platoon consisted of three Engineer Support Variants (ESVs--including one mine clearing plow and one mine clearing roller), three dismounted sapper squads, one mine-clearing line charge (MICLIC), and one Volcano on a load-handling system.
Rudskoy pointed out that the mine-clearing effort is complicated, noting that the first team of Russian demining experts arrived in Syria to take part in dismantling mines in the archeological city and the residential neighborhoods.
assistance to Sri Lanka's demining efforts has included the donation of safety and field equipment, surveys on mine contamination for detection and land release, and mine-clearing operations with international and local non-government organizations.
Davutoglu said the fatalities had been carrying out mine-clearing operations.
SPECIALIST mine-clearing troops have moved into the area where a wartime German "gold train" is claimed to be hidden.
The abducted 19 were employees of Sterling Demining Afghanistan, which holds mine-clearing contracts throughout the country.
ambassador visited a mine-clearing operation in the Chouf Wednesday, pledging to continue to support an ongoing initiative to map areas at risk in the country along with the Mines Advisory Group and the Lebanese Army.
Over 5,500 Belgian soldiers have been sent to the area till now who are engaged in mine-clearing operations in the border area between Lebanon and Israel.
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