military force

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Noun1.military force - a unit that is part of some military servicemilitary force - a unit that is part of some military service; "he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men"
trip wire - a small military force that serves as a first line of defense; if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces
social unit, unit - an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
command - a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
enemy - an opposing military force; "the enemy attacked at dawn"
task force - a temporary military unit formed to accomplish a particular objective
army unit - a military unit that is part of an army
naval unit - a military unit that is part of a navy
air unit - a military unit that is part of the airforce
armour, armor - a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles
armed service, military service, service - a force that is a branch of the armed forces
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
mujahadeen, mujahadein, mujahadin, mujahedeen, mujahedin, mujahideen, mujahidin - a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists"
guard - a military unit serving to protect some place or person
legion - a large military unit; "the French Foreign Legion"
echelon - a body of troops arranged in a line
phalanx - a body of troops in close array
Republican Guard - formerly Iraq's elite military unit whose primary role was to protect the government in Baghdad
Haganah - the clandestine military wing of the Jewish leadership during the British rule over the mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948; became the basis for the Israeli defense force
IDF, Israeli Defense Force - the ground and air and naval forces of Israel
militia, reserves - civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army
commando - an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory
contingent, detail - a temporary military unit; "the peacekeeping force includes one British contingent"
headquarters - (plural) a military unit consisting of a commander and the headquarters staff
spearhead - the leading military unit in an attack
military man, serviceman, man, military personnel - someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force; "two men stood sentry duty"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
The only refuge left for those who prophesy the downfall of the State governments is the visionary supposition that the federal government may previously accumulate a military force for the projects of ambition.
There were grounds for conjecturing, that Sir Edmund Andros intended at once to strike terror by a parade of military force, and to confound the opposite faction by possessing himself of their chief.
They were not long in reaching the barracks, for the officer who commanded the party was desirous to avoid rousing the people by the display of military force in the streets, and was humanely anxious to give as little opportunity as possible for any attempt at rescue; knowing that it must lead to bloodshed and loss of life, and that if the civil authorities by whom he was accompanied, empowered him to order his men to fire, many innocent persons would probably fall, whom curiosity or idleness had attracted to the spot.
Bills have repeatedly been brought into Congress for the purpose, but without success; and our rightful possessions on that coast, as well as our trade on the Pacific, have no rallying point protected by the national flag, and by a military force.
Astor for the protection of the American flag, and a small military force, to enable him to reinstate himself in the possession of Astoria at the return of peace; when the post was formally given up by the British government, though still occupied by the Northwest Company.
Here a large military force is maintained, and here also, is a terminus of the railroad that crosses modern China to the Pacific.
You were to abolish military force, but you were first to bring all commanding officers who had done their duty, to trial by court-martial for that offence, and shoot them.
For years the military forces of Belgian Congo had waged a fruitless war upon this man and his followers--a war in which quarter had never been asked nor expected by either side.
Whereas, contrariwise, the close and reserved living of noblemen and gentlemen, causeth a penury of military forces.
They require the employment of US military force as opposed to noncombat military personnel.
Observers have questioned what authority the President could rely on if he decided to use military force against ISIL in Iraq.

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