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(Linguistics) the act of changing the division between two words, as in the change from 'a nadder' to 'an adder'
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌmɛt əˈnæl ə sɪs)
n., pl. -ses (-ˌsiz)
a shift in the division between words in a phrase; misdivision: “A nickname” resulted from metanalysis of “an ekename.”
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He and his colleagues presented initial results of their metanalysis of clinical judgment research at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association last week in San Francisco.
The Gothic long forms in -dedum, -dedup, etc., are said to derive from a 'contamination'(2) of the two dental formations *-dh- and *-t- (i.e., the original sandhivariants) together with metanalysis of *-dh/t-et to *-dh/te-t followed, once again, by *-e-, this time morphologically generalized.
Supported by a systemic review (39) and metanalysis, (40) we administered ephedrine therapeutically rather than prophylactically to treat maternal hypotension.
A 'deeply flawed' metanalysis of the life-saving interim blood alternative, Hemopure, published in an American scientific journal this April (1) has led to at least one province and hospitals elsewhere avoiding its use--to their detriment.
In a recent metanalysis [6], which evaluated AgHBe-positive and negative patients, an efficacy comparison was made for ETV, LVD and adefovir, after 48-52 weeks of treatment.
Prevalence of child sexual abuse prevalence: A corrective metanalysis. Social Service Review, 73, 281-313.
For example, Brown's metanalysis (1996) of the correlates of job involvement found stronger relationships with several organizational and job attitude variables in private organizations than in public organizations.
However, he says, a few have failed to detect a wheat bran benefit even among animal studies, where diets can be "impeccably well controlled." To probe the significance of such contrary findings, Klurfeld conducted a metanalysis on some 30 well-designed studies that together included more than 3,000 rodents.
(3.) Metanalysis Comparing pterygium recurrence after various surgeries by Zheng K, Cai J, Jhaiji.V, Chen H, Cornea 2012; 31 (12): 1422-7001.
Using the case metanalysis research method to aggregate systematically the evidence in 170 case studies of U.S.
Researchers who hope to mold better theories front their data need to reach for other tools, such as metanalysis, he argues.
A metanalysis of outcomes of external fi xation versus plate osteosynthesis for unstable distal radius fractures.