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the metaphysics or metaphysical aspects of logic. — metalogical, adj.
See also: Logic
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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CAERPHILLY.BASED IT firm Team Metalogic has moved to new larger offices as it aims to triple revenues over the next three years.
What made this systematic way of thinking so compelling was how many different mathematical representations could be shown to be reducible or equivalent to each other within a common framework of metalogic.
By January 2000 the number of tracked companies had risen to 12, with the addition of Hologram Industries (France), API (UK), K Laser (Taiwan) and Metalogic (USA).
Metalogic, based at the University of Warwick Science Park's Warwick Innovation Centre, specialises in providing a range of software, hardware and network products for the metals manufacturing, processing, distribution and stockholding industries.
(6) Suggesting the theme for a fictive academic essay about Ashima Slade, a mathematician, philosopher of "modular calculus," and "the father of 'metalogic,' a lucrative field in Triton's economy," (7) this quotation from Foucault explains the distinction between heterotopias and utopias and foreshadows Slade's fictional explication of the relationship between space and knowledge.
In the article, "Crummell on the Metalogic of Non-Standard Languages" (2007), by Stephen Lester Thompson, the only literary criticism found, he examined Crummell's views on reasonable resources of defective languages.
Edmonton, Canada, August 17, 2013 --( Today, Metalogic Inspection Services, Inc.
Indeed, one might protest that reviewing restaurants at Yelp and books at Amazon and films at Netflix are all different enterprises, but I would argue that there is a sort of metalogic to online reviewing that subsumes all categories.
Consider, for example, two types of courses taught by Professor Aziz, symbolic logic and metalogic. On the basis of many positive instances (difficult symbolic logic classes), it is widely believed that 'All symbolic logic courses offered by Professor Aziz are hard'.
In this way, logic, the axiomatic method (such as that employed in geometry), and semiotics (the general science of signs) is converged toward metalogic. The axiomatic method proceeds in a sequence of steps, beginning with a set of primitive concepts and propositions and then defining or deducing all other concepts and propositions in the theory from them.
Arup Dasgupta (Managing Director, Metalogic Systems) and Mr.