marathon group

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marathon group

(Psychiatry) (in psychotherapy) an encounter group that lasts for many hours or days
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References in periodicals archive ?
"I can wind the clock A-forward years and really frighten myself because I don't know what's going to happen from here to next year," Scott told Chris Evans, who will join Scott's London Marathon group next weekend to raise [pounds sterling]100,000 for charity Dementia Revolution.
She also started India's first own marathon training group 'Rujuta Diwekar - Marathon group'.
It is a partnership between UK investment firm Duet and Israeli Hezi Bezalel's Marathon group and will invest in businesses linked to private consumption, such as food and beverages, retail, health services, finances and communications.
USA Fit Tampa Bay is a part of USA Fit, a family of marathon and half marathon group training programs based in Houston, Texas.
Marathon Group will begin with a current portfolio of 662 patent assets.
Fewer men were in the half marathon group (32%) compared to 47% in the full marathon and 67% in the ultramarathon groups.
The formal, marathon group brainstorming sessions are focused on everything from developing lucrative apps to using computer code to solve the world's problems.
Join your colleagues, family, and friends for the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Group Charity Challenge!
They cuddled their way to a new Guinness World Records title for the world's longest marathon group hug.
Mayur Shah, Managing Director, Marathon Group, said that, "The development brings immense pride to our country and Marathon Group as well.
Other partners include Los Angeles-based 3 Arts, Blighty's Artists Studio, Gaul's Marathon Group, Ireland's Epos Films and the Irish Film Board.
"I stayed with Richard Nerurkar, the race director, on that occasion and trained with Gete Wami's marathon group and while there, at a Great Ethiopia Run Press Conference, I met Tirunesh and her husband, Sileshi Sihine, and they invited me to their home.