mail boat

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Noun1.mail boat - a boat for carrying mailmail boat - a boat for carrying mail    
boat - a small vessel for travel on water
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References in classic literature ?
"If the mail boat doesn't run, I presume there will be something else we can charter."
"Money will buy most things, nowadays, sir," he observed, "but if it isn't fit for our mail boat, it certainly isn't fit for anything else that can come into Harwich Harbour.
He intended to return home, to Bremen, by mail boat, second class, with Mrs.
|| Dockers unloading at Commission Quay, North Shields, from a Norwegian mail boat, 1954
21, 1892, the mail boat Butuan brought welcome news: Lottery ticket 9736 shared by Rizal, Carnicero and Francisco Equilior of Dipolog had won the second prize jackpot of P20,000.
Shame and confusion have kept Mallory Davis from her home for the last fifteen years, but when her dad mysteriously dies on his mail boat route, she doesn't have any choice but to go back to Mermaid Point.
The 44-year-old will travel by mail boat for five days from Cape Town, in South Africa, in order to reach the island, which once held Napoleon in exile.
Gordon was in the middle of bowling his 93rd over when the teams finally decided to call it a day as the England team had to dash to catch the mail boat home.
My father Max was a civil engineer out to see the world from small-town Scotland when his eye came across Emma, the half-Chinese woman who had purchased a one-way ticket on a mail boat to see if Africa really was more exotic than Wimbledon.
A 17-foot mail boat delivers to 180 dock-side mailboxes on a 29-mile stretch of the river,