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(General Physics) (functioning as singular) physics the study of steady-state magnetic fields
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2 Mathematical model for the magnetostatics problem
Similarly, in 6, solving the problem in terms of the magnetic scalar potential, the authors propose a method for replacing a laminated medium so that an adequate reflection of the magnetic field is achieved in the problems of magnetostatics. The issue of determining the losses in these materials remains open.
Kostelecky, "Lorentz-violating electrostatics and magnetostatics," Physical Review D, vol.
It discusses low-frequency electromagnetics, the basic theory of triangular surface mesh generation, and computational phantoms; electrostatics of conductors and dielectrics and direct current flow; linear magnetostatics; the theory and application of eddy currents; and nonlinear electrostatics.
(a) Gaussian units are the same as cgs emu for magnetostatics; Mx = maxwell, G = gauss, Oe = oersted; Wb = weber, V = volt, s = second, T = tesla, m = meter, A = ampere, J = joule, kg = kilogram, H = henry.
Although he derives (37) for magnetostatics, he will later retain this "Coulomb gauge" for the vector potential in the time dependent electromagnetic equations; see Section 6.2.
The so-called "div-curl" problem, which consists of finding a velocity field from the knowledge of its divergence and curl, together with appropriate boundary conditions, has important applications in electrostatics and magnetostatics as well as in fluid dynamics; the discrete duality discretization allows us to solve this problem numerically on arbitrary 2D meshes; see [9].
He begins with "What is electrodynamics?" Subsequent chapters discuss basic aspects, applications, and macroscopic electrostitics; magnetostatics; the Maxwell equations; applications to coils, circuits, and transmission lines; electromagnetic waves; optic laws and diffraction; wave guides and resonators; propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere; the Lagrange formalism for the electromagnetic field; the gauge covariant Schrodinger equation and the Aharono-Bohn effect, among other topics.
One of the causes of body deformation is the effect of magnetostatics, which causes the sample to elongate along the applied magnetic field (a uniform field in this case) to minimize the demagnetizing field opposing the applied field.

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