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(Chemistry) an alloy made up of magnesium and aluminium
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Dreizin, Edward L et al.[6], the metal can be used mostly as a part in aluminium-magnesium alloys and is currently got mainly by the electrolysis of magnesium salts got from brine, occasionally called magnesium or magnalium. Magnesium is not as dense as aluminium, as well as the alloy, is prized because of its mix of stamina and lightness.
The Q Terra comes with a 6-inch FHD display and a Magnalium alloy unibody.
Ganesh & Gowrishankar (2011) studied the effect of adding magnalium (Al-Mg) and cobalt oxide (C[O.sub.3][O.sub.4]) nanoparticles to Jatropha biodiesel at a concentration of 100 mg/L.