lose out

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v. lost (lôst, lŏst), los·ing, los·es
1. To be unsuccessful in retaining possession of; mislay: He's always losing his car keys.
a. To be deprived of (something one has had): lost her art collection in the fire; lost her job.
b. To be left alone or desolate because of the death of: lost his wife.
c. To be unable to keep alive: a doctor who has lost very few patients.
3. To be unable to keep control or allegiance of: lost his temper at the meeting; is losing supporters by changing his mind.
4. To fail to win; fail in: lost the game; lost the court case.
5. To fail to use or take advantage of: Don't lose a chance to improve your position.
6. To fail to hear, see, or understand: We lost the plane in the fog. I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.
a. To let (oneself) become unable to find the way.
b. To remove (oneself), as from everyday reality into a fantasy world.
8. To rid oneself of: lost five pounds.
9. To consume aimlessly; waste: lost a week in idle occupations.
10. To wander from or become ignorant of: lose one's way.
a. To elude or outdistance: lost their pursuers.
b. To be outdistanced by: chased the thieves but lost them.
12. To become slow by (a specified amount of time). Used of a timepiece.
13. To cause or result in the loss of: Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job.
14. To cause to be destroyed. Usually used in the passive: Both planes were lost in the crash.
15. To cause to be damned.
1. To suffer loss: investors who lost heavily on the firm's stock.
2. To be defeated: Our team lost in overtime.
3. To operate or run slow. Used of a timepiece.
Phrasal Verb:
lose out
To fail to achieve or receive an expected gain.
lose it Slang
1. To become very angry or emotionally upset.
2. To become deranged or mentally disturbed.
3. To become less capable or proficient; decline: He can still play tennis well. He hasn't lost it yet.
lose out on
To miss (an opportunity, for example).
lose time
1. To operate too slowly. Used of a timepiece.
2. To delay advancement.

[Middle English losen, from Old English losian, to perish, from los, loss; see leu- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

lose out

1. (intr, adverb) to be defeated or unsuccessful
2. lose out on to fail to secure or make use of: we lost out on the sale.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
يُعاني من الخَساره
gå glip aftabe
mistakast, bíîa ósigur
zarar etmek

w>lose out

vi (inf)schlecht wegkommen (inf), → den Kürzeren ziehen (on bei); to lose out to somebody/somethingvon jdm/etw verdrängt werden
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(luːz) past tense, past participle lost (lost) verb
1. to stop having; to have no longer. She has lost interest in her work; I have lost my watch; He lost hold of the rope.
2. to have taken away from one (by death, accident etc). She lost her father last year; The ship was lost in the storm; He has lost his job.
3. to put (something) where it cannot be found. My secretary has lost your letter.
4. not to win. I always lose at cards; She lost the race.
5. to waste or use more (time) than is necessary. He lost no time in informing the police of the crime.
ˈloser noun
a person who loses. The losers congratulated the winners.
loss (los) noun
1. the act or fact of losing. suffering from loss of memory; the loss (= death) of our friend.
2. something which is lost. It was only after he was dead that we realized what a loss he was.
3. the amount (especially of money) which is lost. a loss of 500 pounds.
lost adjective
1. missing; no longer to be found. a lost ticket.
2. not won. The game is lost.
3. wasted; not used properly. a lost opportunity.
4. no longer knowing where one is, or in which direction to go. I don't know whether to turn left or right – I'm lost.
at a loss
not knowing what to do, say etc. He was at a loss for words to express his gratitude.
a bad/good loser
someone who behaves badly or well when he loses a game etc.
lose oneself in
to have all one's attention taken up by. to lose oneself in a book.
lose one's memory
to stop being able to remember things.
lose out
to suffer loss or be at a disadvantage.
lost in
having one's attention wholly taken up by. She was lost in thought.
lost on
wasted, having no effect, on. The joke was lost on her.

to lose (not loose) the match.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
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IRELAND could lose out to vital investment by hi-tech companies because of poor electricity supply, it was claimed yesterday.
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