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Adj.1.light-green - of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass; "a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint"
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
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References in classic literature ?
He told us all about the Heidelberg road, and which were the best places to avoid and which the best ones to tarry at; he charged me less than cost for the things I broke in the night; he put up a fine luncheon for us and added to it a quantity of great light-green plums, the pleasantest fruit in Germany; he was so anxious to do us honor that he would not allow us to walk out of Heilbronn, but called up Go"tz von Berlichingen's horse and cab and made us ride.
There where you see light-green rushes instead of dark-green undergrowth, there between the great cotton woods, that is my private gate into the unknown.
Having reached the spot marked by a line of light-green rushes, we poled out two canoes through them for some hundreds of yards, and eventually emerged into a placid and shallow stream, running clear and transparent over a sandy bottom.
He would cry out against a momentary confusion between a light-green Paddington and a dark-green Bayswater vehicle, as his uncle would at the identification of a Greek ikon and a Roman image.
In this instance the whole line of reef has been converted into land; but usually a snow-white line of great breakers, with only here and there a single low islet crowned with cocoa-nut trees, divides the dark heaving waters of the ocean from the light-green expanse of the lagoon-channel.
With high hopes we struck across the peaty, russet moor, intersected with a thousand sheep paths, until we came to the broad, light-green belt which marked the morass between us and Holdernesse.
Two Lebanese and a Palestinian were detained after the ISF monitored the members of the gang, which was active in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, using a light-green 1975 Mercedes.
This "voluntary" approach--"light-green conservation," as Ernst calls it--failed miserably.
Tom Ross M12 led the field home on the yellow course with older brother Ben coming through strongly to land the M16 honours on the light-green track.