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(Law) Scots law the part of a person's moveable estate that is inherited by his or her children on that person's death
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References in periodicals archive ?
This recognition--gone or non along with understanding--is given that goes without saying under several conditions that define the legitimate use: it have to be pronounced by a person legitim to pronounce it ...
Moora rechnete demnach mit regional verschiedenen Uberlieferungsfiltern (Grab- und Opfersitten)) (11) Aus heutiger Sicht erscheint es moglicherweise legitim, dass der damalige Inhaber der Professur fur Archaologie am Tartuer Lehrstuhl und eine international anerkannte Autoritat seines Fachs, eigene Denk- und Deutungsmuster zu entwickeln und zu verbreiten verstand.
Despite a vividly expressed freedom of disposition, the law of the Republic of Lithuania, as an integral part of the world civil law system, limits the testator's rights of devolution of the estate by recognizing the so-called "mandatory share" or "legitim" ("privalomoji dalis").
at [paragraph] 12 ("El qui arribi a esser hereu haura forcosament de transmetre l'herencia a un fill o net de legitim i canonic matrimoni ...").
The decision of whether the Constitution allows an illegitimate child to receive only half of the mandated child's inheritance portion under the Civil Code (legitim) can hardly be determined by the language of the Constitution alone.
The United Arab Emirates on Sunday became the 12th nation to recognise the rebel National Transitional Council in Benghazi as the "sole legitim
Bei einem patriarchalischen Typus resultiert die Macht aus dem Besitz des Unternehmens und dem Bemuhen um dessen Fortbestand, wobei die Machtverteilung von den Mitarbeitern auch als legitim angesehen wird, da der Machtausubende einen beschutzenden Einfluss ausubt.