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Related to laytime: laycan


(Commerce) commerce the period of time allowed by a shipowner to a carrier to carry out cargo loading or discharging operations
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The performance indicators include the mean laytime of train (MLT_Train), the mean laytime of truck (MLT_Truck), the mean waiting time for handling operation of train (MWT_Train), and the mean waiting time for handling operation of truck (MWT_Truck), which are calculated from the 95% confidence interval of the simulation results and are normalized with respect to the historical values.
A claim for demurrage arises in the context of a voyage charterparty when a charterer exceeds the permitted time period for loading and/or discharging its cargo (commonly known as 'laytime').
Shipping companies avoid calling at container terminals with low productivity in order to reduce their port laytime as the vessels become larger (Yang, 2004).
LNG voyage charter form emerges from the absence of a laytime and