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(Dancing) another word for volta
[C16: from Italian la volta the turn; see volta]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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LAVOLTA A An ancient dance B Extravagant outpouring C Edible seaweed who am I?
Their second and last album Canyon Of Echoes was released in October on the Lavolta label.
by Frances Grimble; San Francisco, Lavolta Press, 2010; 446 pp.
Frances Grimble draws upon her many years of experience and impressive expertise to compile and edit two seminal contributions to the history of fashion--a field in which she has established Lavolta Press as a leading resource--to publish "Bustle Fashions 1885-1887: 41 Patterns with Fashion Plates and Suggestions for Adaptation" (9780963651785, $49.00) and its accompanying volume "Directoire Revival Fashions 1888-89: 57 Patterns with Fashion Plates and Suggestions for Adaptation (9780963651792, also, $49.00)".
They signed to Lavolta Records and released their debut EP Waiting For Go in November 2006.
This five-piece from Cumbernauld were the first band to be signed to Glasgow venue King Tut's record label, Lavolta.
They have gone on from their one-off single on the record label of Glasgow venue King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, to a deal with LaVolta Records and a Scottish number one single with Clean Up Your Eyes.
The band, who moved to indie label LaVolta records after being discovered and signed by King Tut's Recordings, travelled down for the day in their tour van for their second shoot.
Aimed at bringing unsigned bands to the attention of other labels, it provoked the desired response when Lavolta Records stepped in and promptly signed them up.