References in classic literature ?
`Come along, lassie, come along, lassie; come along, come along.' I stood still and let him come up; he held the oats to me, and I began to eat without fear; his voice took all my fear away.
Immediately they paired off, lad and lassie, and started down the sandy road.
I've a lassie back i' the town; Come day, come night, Come dark or light, She will wed me, back i' the town!"
'I know she was a little plump lassie then, with a pretty pink and white face: now she's a poor little bit of a creature, fading and melting away like a snow-wreath.
On the sidewalk a Salvation lassie shook her contribution receptacle gently against my waistcoat pocket.
I am a greater prince than you are a princess, and I will marry you.' Then she grew frightened, and thought, 'What can a young lassie do with an iron stove?' But as she wanted very much to go home to her father, she promised to do what he wished.
So-and-so, my lassie is thriving well, but would it no' be more to the point to say, "O matra pulchra filia pulchrior"?' which astounded them very much if she managed to reach the end without being flung, but usually she had a fit of laughing in the middle, and so they found her out.
"Your purse speaks for you, my lassie. Pet it up!" cried Mr.
"How is that, my lassie?" asked the Prince, coming up all flushed and breathless when the ballet was over.
Once it was, "And your mother?" and when I had told him that she, too, was dead, "Ay, she was a bonnie lassie!" Then, after another long pause, "Whae were these friends o' yours?"
The only resource obviously presenting itself to the old count was to apply for an official post, so he had come to Petersburg to look for one and also, as he said, to let the lassies enjoy themselves for the last time.
The church bells were ringing for evensong, and a squad of Salvation Army lassies came singing down Waterloo Road.