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Related to knicker: Knickerbocker


n modifier
(Clothing & Fashion) of or relating to knickers: knicker elastic.
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He looked much the same as when they first saw him, except that he had changed his picturesque mountaineering knickers for a conventional pair of trousers.
The Enclosed team found thongs to be the overwhelming favorite knicker style across almost all states.
Actress Mollie Sugden reveals Union Jack knicker in the Are Your Being Served film and, left, Delia Dixon showing off some of the tinned knickers she had on sale in her shop in 1973
According to a poll of 2,000 women for the UK's leading laundry specialists, Dr Beckmann (Glo White), the typical knicker drawer contains 20 everyday pairs and 14 for 'best'.
Her online business, The Knicker Issue, sends out monthly undies giftwrapped and individually chosen by Olivia to suit each client's size, taste and sense of lingerie adventure.
Billed as a history of knickers, Rosemary Hawthorne: The Knicker Lady tells the story of women down the ages through three centuries of changing styles from whale bone corsets to Agent Provocateur frillies.
In a panic, the knicker snatcher ran down Hannah Street and threw the lingerie back at MrsJenkins before he was arrested by South Wales Police.
WALLASEY playwright Paula Rowlands' musical Naughty Knicker Knight makes a return to the Floral Pavilion after a successful run in 2011.
"Acting is like the elastic band on a pair of knickers. When you see a nice bottom in a pair of denim jeans, you assume there is some sort of nice knicker that is holding it all in place, but you don't want to see the knicker line"
"In 2005, we designed and launched the Brazilian knicker shape," the Daily Mail quoted Soozie Jenkinson, Head Of Lingerie Design, as saying.
Pantaloons, drawers, bloomers and bikinis will all be on show at The Customs House when the Knicker Lady drops in later this month.