knee bend

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Noun1.knee bend - exercising by repeatedly assuming a crouching position with the knees bentknee bend - exercising by repeatedly assuming a crouching position with the knees bent; strengthens the leg muscles
leg exercise - exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles
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The knee bend generates a large part of the force of the serve, and the knee bend and trunk motion together generate the momentum of the swing.
It may be doing a deep knee bend with more than 900 pounds on his shoulders, or it may be loading that barbell with more than a thousand pounds and carrying it for distance.
Keep the lead foot ahead of the knee and think in terms of "dropping the hips," which will produce a smooth, natural, 90-degree knee bend.
* Coaching point: Instruct the athlete to maintain the slight knee bend throughout the entire movement.
Bobbing: By first holding the partner's hand then performing alone, each student submerges under water by doing a deep knee bend and holding their breath for a count of three.
1 1/4 Rep style: Start by slowly descending to parallel (deep knee bend).
Take a wide lateral step under the hurdle, maintaining a straight back and the necessary deep knee bend to clear your head beneath it.
Notice the appropriate back posture and knee bend at the midrange position.
We use it with athletes from many different sports for drills involving a good knee bend posture.
Weight distribution and proper knee bend are the two most important aspects of the base.