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Noun1.interpellation - (parliament) a parliamentary procedure of demanding that a government official explain some act or policy
parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, rules of order, order - a body of rules followed by an assembly
parliament - a legislative assembly in certain countries
2.interpellation - the action of interjecting or interposing an action or remark that interrupts
disruption, interruption, gap, break - an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"; "there was a gap in his account"
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The chief of the deputation of the burghers was then heard addressing an interpellation to Mynheer Bowelt, whom he requested to let them know where the other deputies, his colleagues, were.
I won't deny that at sea, sometimes, the note of profanity was audible enough in those chiding interpellations a wet, cold, weary seaman addresses to his ship, and in moments of exasperation is disposed to extend to all ships that ever were launched - to the whole everlastingly exacting brood that swims in deep waters.
Fantanas said the bill had been on the Senate agenda for two years already but because of 'a certain senator's' request, the bill was scheduled 25 times for interpellation.
Finance Minister Nayef Al-Hajraf KUWAIT, June 11 (KUNA) -- Finance Minister Nayef Al-Hajraf said Tuesday he stood prepared to rebuff MPs' arguments in spite of the "unconstitutionality of the interpellation".
Based on the Senate's timetable, a copy of which was given to reporters, the period of interpellation will start next week from December 5 to December 12.
The interpellation against Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is an instrument by the opposition for control and accountability of the Government.
The Council discussed the interpellation to the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Planning and Chairman of Oman Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) on the Omanisation plan, as well as the application submitted to the Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs on the study of lifting fuel subsidy and the interpellation to the Minister of Commerce and Industry about the feasibility study for establishing Oman Mining Company.
The Council discussed the interpellation to the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Planning and Chairman of Oman Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) on the Omanization plan, as well as the application submitted to the Minister Responsible for Financial Affairs on the study on lifting fuel subsidy and the interpellation to the Minister of Commerce and Industry about the feasibility study for establishing Oman Mining Company.
Shortly before midnight Monday, with 23 votes in favor and 59 against, the Parliament refused the interpellation against Health Minister Nikola Todorov launched by the opposition MPs, who demanded that he should resign, reports,
Cette interpellation coincide avec la celebration par IsraE1/2l du [beaucoup moins que]Jour de Jerusalem[beaucoup plus grand que] marquant la [beaucoup moins que]reunification[beaucoup plus grand que] de la ville, dont le secteur oriental est occupe depuis la guerre israelo-arabe des Six-Jours, en juin 1967.