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tr.v. in·sourced, in·sourc·ing, in·sourc·es
1. To perform (a task or function) in-house: a corporation that outsources their manufacturing but insources sales and marketing.
2. To provide (a product or service traditionally or conventionally provided within an organization) as an independent contractor.
3. To create (jobs) as an outside company operating in a local labor market: "We not only want to sell products to the US, but to insource jobs here and contribute to the economy" (Noel Forgeard).
4. To hire or employ (workers from another area or market).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Mispro Biotech Services has expanded its services into the Massachusetts biotechnology supercluster with its on-site vivarium services solution, Mispro Insource. Mispro Insource is a comprehensive vivarium services solution that enables research organizations to focus on science, while Mispro handles all other aspects of vivarium operations in support of preclinical drug and product development.
Pittsfield, ME, May 02, 2018 --( Insource Renewables, LLC has just received Company Accreditation by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABECP).
13 October 2014 - Netherlands-based Wolters Kluwer's Boston-based Wolters Kluwer Financial Services unit said it has introduced the NILS INsource Case Law Module to enable clients to identify and monitor case law developments for the issues relevant to their business.
The question of whether to insource or outsource is more than a choice between an inhouse web-based solution or outsourcing.
It involves building up internal expertise and streamlining your IT operations; for lots of companies, the move to insource can be long and costly.
National carrier of Bahrain, Gulf Air, has announced that it will insource its fleet technical management (FTM) responsibility.
The visit highlighted the firm's decision to insource 100 jobs from China back to Wisconsin, whose manufacturing sector has lost more than 25,000 jobs (live percent) since Obama became President.